
Virtual Personal Training

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What is Virtual Personal Training?

This is a live exclusive and private 1-on-1 personal training session conducted via Zoom.


The Benefits

Cheaper than in-person training at the gym

Convenient -train from anywhere and times are flexible

Comfort - work out from the comfort of your own home

Consistency - never miss a session as it is easy instant access and convenient, you never miss a beat

More productive & impactful - You won't waste further time, money, petrol with no stress missioning to gyms and workouts are more affective with more work done, less distraction and no time is wasted moving from machine to machine.

Save - You do not miss sessions compared to going to the gym as it is convenient, time & travel saving together with instant & easy access.

How Do I Get Started?

Simply get in touch and book your complimentary consultation below. We will organise a zoom meeting to discuss your goals in depth and we can take a medical history. It’s also a chance for you to ask any more questions about the service we provide, and we can discuss how your programme needs to be built for you.

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