
Fitness/Strength Training

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At Fitnatics our philosophy is ALWAYS  overall optimum health & well-being.
This specific program will encompass specific exercises and workout routines that induce PURE strength in all areas of the body.
Custom workouts are created through proven scientific methods and decades of experience.  It includes metabolic conditioning, cardiovascular training using the different energy systems, calisthenics, and functional training that benefits you in your daily lives, activities, and desired sports. For example: running, cycling, swimming, tennis, soccer, or whatever sport you partake in.
Very important & not to forget I coach Jake has been involved for over 15 years in these 3 above niche’s/specialities with TRUE success.
I am not a jack of all trades and only specialise & focus on what I do best & love most.  “As I successfully do unto thyself, I can successfully do unto others”.
The beauty of Fitnatics is, that I don’t hand you over to the next available coach or trainer, rather I professionally, passionately, and with utmost focus and respect deal with you directly & offer personalised training from day 1 to day SUCCESS!